Shipowners Forum Tokyo

1 November 2022

Tokyo Conrad, Japan



Actionable Strategy to Net Zero, Together!

Maritime industry in Japan has had a significant influence on the country’s history and economic development. In the recent years, Japanese shipping companies have started to invest in new tonnages that take full advantage of the very latest in fuel efficient designs and technology.

The Japanese government has joined the growing list of countries to join the race to net zero by 2050. The country is also encouraging its domestic shipbuilding industry to take the initiative to supply greener vessels with plans to launch zero emission ships and being the best in class with autonomous ships.

Join TradeWinds and some top shipping leaders and thinkers for a high-level discussion on how the Japanese shipping industry is taking on the challenge of reaching 2050 zero carbon targets, outlook for shipbuilding and much more. 

This is a bilingual event and simultaneous translation will be provided.


Delegate Rates

Early Bird Rate
Valid until 23 September

$500 Subscribers
$750 Non-Subscribers


Advance Rate
Valid until 21 October

$650 Subscribers
$950 Non-Subscribers


Standard Rate
Valid after 21 October

$900 Subscribers
$1,200 Non-Subscribers


Live Stream Access
Valid until 1 November


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